Image Source: Flickr — FOMO by Jesper Sehested from

FOMO Goes To Work

John Andrews
5 min readAug 9, 2021


#Katafin 2021 Week 30 Ending 8/6/21

Humans are irrational. People who won’t even go ankle-deep in the ocean due to fear of being gobbled up by a shark, happily get in a car every day to drive to work, school, the grocery store or even just a Sunday drive. You are infinitely more likely to be mangled or killed in a car crash (odds of death — 1 in 84) than ever being sniffed by a shark (odds of death — 1 in 3.75 million). Sharks…



John Andrews

Mary Catherine’s Dad, Mary Shannon’s Husband, Innovator, Shopper Marketer, Duke Fan, Hiker, Collective Bias Co-Founder, Walmart Elevenmoms maker, Slow Driver