Navigating an Autonomous Future: Preparing for the Proliferation of Machines

John Andrews
3 min readJul 15, 2023

image credit: The Guardian.

In the book “Army of None,” which delves into the growth of automated warfare, author Paul Scharre shares his insights on the rise of fully autonomous killing machines.

As I watched the Netflix documentary, ‘Unknown: Killer Robots’, one particularly poignant moment in the film occurs when a highly skilled US Military pilot accepts the reality that defeating artificial intelligence (AI) in a dogfight is an insurmountable challenge.

This acknowledgment echoes the resignations experienced by renowned chess player Gary Kasparov and Go master Lee Se-dol, who recognized the superior abilities of AI players in their respective games. The rapid development of machine learning, fueled by the accelerated simulation of countless scenarios through digital twins, propels us towards a future teeming with autonomous machines. This article explores the implications of this rapid advancement and outlines strategies to prepare for a world increasingly shaped by autonomous technologies, even in the absence of global cooperation.

The Swiftness of Progress:

The documentary effectively captures the remarkable pace at which machine learning and AI are evolving. The integration of machine learning algorithms with digital twin simulations enables the swift generation and evaluation of millions of scenarios. This expedited cycle time for technological advancement propels us towards a future where autonomous machines will be prevalent. Despite the lack of global cooperation, various entities, including governments, industries, and rogue states, actively participate in the global arms race, heightening the urgency to address the implications of accelerated progress.

Preparing for an Autonomous World:

In the absence of global cooperation, it becomes crucial to adapt and prepare for a world shaped by autonomous machines. Consider the following strategies:

  1. Individual Ethical Awareness:

As individuals, we should cultivate ethical awareness regarding the development and use of autonomous machines. By actively engaging in discussions, supporting responsible initiatives, and raising awareness about the potential risks and ethical concerns, we can contribute to shaping the narrative surrounding autonomous technologies.

2. National and Regional Initiatives:

Instead of relying solely on global cooperation, nations and regions can take independent action to address the challenges associated with autonomous machines. Establishing robust legal and regulatory frameworks, investing in research and development, and fostering collaboration within their own spheres of influence can help mitigate risks and ensure responsible development and use of autonomous technologies.

3. Industry Best Practices:

Private industries can play a significant role in preparing for an autonomous future. By adopting and promoting best practices that prioritize transparency, accountability, and ethical considerations in the design, development, and deployment of autonomous machines, industry leaders can set standards that others can follow.

4. Responsible Innovation:

Organizations involved in the development of autonomous technologies should prioritize responsible innovation. This involves proactively addressing safety concerns, implementing safeguards to prevent unintended consequences, and investing in ongoing research and development to improve the reliability and trustworthiness of autonomous systems.

5. Adaptive Defense Strategies:

With the proliferation of autonomous machines, it becomes essential to adapt defense strategies to counter emerging threats effectively. This includes developing advanced cybersecurity measures, designing resilient and adaptive military systems, and fostering the expertise necessary to detect and respond to potential adversarial uses of autonomous technologies.

While global cooperation would be ideal, it is important to acknowledge the reality that it may not be achievable in preparing for an autonomous world. Despite this, individuals, nations, and industries can take proactive steps to navigate this future responsibly. By fostering individual ethical awareness, implementing national and regional initiatives, adhering to industry best practices, promoting responsible innovation, and developing adaptive defense strategies, we can strive to mitigate risks and harness the potential benefits of autonomous technologies. Although challenges lie ahead, a collective effort to prepare for an autonomous future can help us navigate this evolving landscape and shape it in a way that prioritizes human well-being and societal values.



John Andrews

Mary Catherine’s Dad, Mary Shannon’s Husband, Innovator, Shopper Marketer, Duke Fan, Hiker, Collective Bias Co-Founder, Walmart Elevenmoms maker, Slow Driver